About me


Who am I?

Nice to meet you, my name is Javier Helguera. I am a Spanish Software Engineer focused on backend development with a Master's Degree in Cybersecurity currently living in France.

The purpose of the blog

The idea of the blog was born from my passion for computers and things related to it like robotics or mathematics. In most of my projects I have always relied on the anonymous Internet community to solve doubts or ask for advice when I was completely stuck. So one day, some time ago, I decided to create a blog to share my ideas, tips, tutorials and everything that comes to mind related to this great world of computing.

Although, to be honest, another reason why I decided to start this blog is to use it as a logbook of my projects, so I can always come back to them in the future and refresh my memory of how such a thing was done or which command had to be used to run such an application.

But not everything is going to be computer science and programming. Eventually you will be able to find articles related to life in France, which may be interesting for other people in the same situation, as well as information about personal development.

Let's go!

That said, I hope you find what you are looking for in this blog and that it helps you in your projects, in your work or in your personal life.

Professional Experience

Sommelier du Parfum
Paris (France)
Python Backend Engineer
2022 - Present
  • Tech Stack: Python, MongoDB, Docker, AWS, EC2 Instances, S3 Buckets, Glaciers, Git.
  • Main developer of the structure of the backend.
  • Design software solutions from scratch.
  • Management of the data in MongoDB with multiple scripts in Python.
  • Administration of the MongoDB server (tuning, indexex, performance...).
  • Git as version control system and code review from/to other programmers.
C&W Logistics
Kortrijk (Belgium)
Backend Engineer
2019 - 2022
  • Tech Stack: SQL Server, C#, Entity Framework, .NET Core, Azure, Git, Python.
  • Developed a light version of a Warehouse Management System (WMS).
  • Had frequent contact with customers to understand their needs and translate them into technical statements.
  • Tuned SQL queries to increase performance of heavy tasks optimizing procedures, loops, joins or using indexes.
  • Created multiple SQL scripts, combining dynamic and static SQL, to help functional consultants at the company with technical tasks.
  • Developed a graphic and interactive web app (canvas) of a warehouse using JavaScript and fabric.js.
Valladolid (Spain)
Software Engineer
2018 - 2018
  • Internship as part of my studies at UVa.
  • Improved the main software of the company written in Visual Basic and C#. Added real time visualization of body sensors data in the computer.
  • Developed a desktop Java app to add real time marks to neuromarketing videos.


Master's Degree in AI and ML
UNIR (Spain)
2023 - 2025
  • Specific studies to become a better professional in the AI/ML sector.
  • Machine learning and Deep Learning.
  • Planning and development of computer algorithms.
  • Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision.
Master's Degree in Cybersecurity
UNIR (Spain)
2020 - 2022
  • Specific studies to become a better professional in the IT security sector.
  • Malware analysis.
  • Database, software and network security.
  • Cryptography.
  • Risk management and analysis.
  • Take a look at my thesis here.
Erasmus Experience
Vives (Belgium)
2019 - 2019
  • I spent 6 months at Vives University in Belgium working on the final project of my degree.
Degree in Software Engineering
UVa (Spain)
2015 - 2019